Rwanda is victim of Aryan uncontrollable need for power and riches by western capitalist, their so named nobility and industry. Their psychopathic money greed which is an Aryan sickness has made already more than one million victims in aftermath of this so named genocide.
To get a realistic view on the situation of the genocide of Rwanda, we need to go back in time of their history up till time before colonial occupation and western interference.
The only information we get from before colonizing are the rapports of Sir William Burton and his partner Mister Speke who cross the area of the large lakes in 1858. The region organization and cooperation of the there living people has surprise them. They has written in their rapports about the amazing result of local social organization and cooperation which result in a peaceful place, build through interdependency, interrelationship and never disturbed by Arabian slave hunters. The way they aid and care each other was amazing and unique as well.
The center of reef valley near the large lakes known as Victoria Lake is mountain likely and rough passable. Local populations are formed by independent groups, special in the basin of Congo River and the high plain of Tanganyika.
The Explorer’s Sir William Burton and his friend Mister Speke meet there a peaceful world though intern cooperation of the people.
The origins of people belong to three different ethnic kinds. The majority was Negro people of a Hutu kingdom who stand for almost 83% while black people related to the black Indians named as Tutsi got less than 15% and Twa-Pygmies presented only 3% of the people.
Pygmies were hunters, Hutu’s were cultivators and Tutsi’s were cattle-breeders.
The profession was very important for the common position of each of them. Tutsi’s were well seen because they own cattle as personal riches. They were also named as Wattoesi and travel with cows and goats through the area from Uganda, over Rwanda Burundi up till the borders of Lake Tanganyika. The cattle breeder wasn’t driven through need of land, but travel for grassland from place to place. They are well seen through the Hutu’s and live some times short together while Hutu’s gives the breeders hospitality in their villages while the Tutsi breeders use their assistance through hand work in exchange for meat, milk and leather.
Pygmies are very famous hunters and no interested in land or stocks
The cultivator care and need land, but the breeder care only his cows and the hunter use the free land and forest as his hunting area.
The breeder was well seen because of his possibility to increase riches by number of cattle.
Hutu’s like also to get some cattle or goat and like to serve this breeders for exchange of goat or leather, but also the presences of Tutsi warriors under leadership of the Mwami present an effective protection for the people against slave hunters.
On this way they become a service to each other and everyone could count on everyone, while the young men of Hutu and Pygmy share and support their Tutsi friends in their actions against raids of Arabian slave hunters.
Several hundred years of mutual service and cooperation has built an exceptional relationship, and slave hunters never could threaten them.
Nobody could proof or show any track about trouble between this communities before the colonial occupation through western states, and the fact that they have live together without tracks of war or defense proof that they have live peaceful together.
Tutsi’s who travel nomadic trough the area has to count on the protection of the villagers while villagers need protection of the Tutsi army to protect their sites.
The so named genocide of Rwanda
In spite of the good social development of black Africans may we be surprise of the mass violence in the African world of today, surely if we keep the reality and facts in our mind that there are no tracks of war or defense of the past or from times before colonizing of Africa, and they never evolve police forces or criminal laws. Weapons for battle were never need and by that never evolved or made and laws are only made to order a community, but are senseless in a social well arrange and peaceful world. Black African get order their world upon the colonizing of western rulers based on considerations and agreements, and only black individualistic warrior people of northern the equator get weapons, but weaponry of them was poor developed by lack of needing or battle.
Up to the moment their poor battles are built on their good strategy. Good considerations and agreements could restrict the need for violence and weaponry or such development.
Violence of the present is only there where we observe some minerals or riches for western business, industry and profit of our western capitalists and nobility.
While we go on streets to protest against damage of nature and rain forests are we greedy for luxury and furniture in exotic kinds of expensive woods and motivators for plunder of the same rain forest.
Violence in the third world is mostly made for the profit of western industries and western plenty’s, and we buy today and drop it tomorrow just like that, but our plenty is paid by the poor people of the third world by their blood, sweat and tears. Al by al is African violence mostly manipulate though western need of control over African riches, and western governments don’t shy to interfere with troops their actions named as needed to protect countries against dictatorial rulers.
Africa is upon the moment the most important producer of minerals for the west European industry. Belgium is the biggest partner in question of Mid-African mineral business and large parts goes through Belgian hands.
Rwanda is situating in the region of the most important mineral winnings of Mid-Africa and into flying-range of mines of Katanga, Kivu, Kasaï, Angola and Zambia.
Angolan mines are les than 3 hours away of Rwanda where for Rwanda deserve an important place in the western industrial and political strategy.
The soft climate near to 26°C average by the altitude between 1000 and 2000 meter above ocean level and this in spite of the equatorial position make the country exceptional applicable to settle military troops as matters of suppression to the rulers of those mine environments. Lose Rwanda means lose control of mines and their standing place for troops needed to suppress rulers of this environments. Lose the control of Rwanda should give no real loss of the western needs but shall give loss for the overabundance of western capitalists and nobility who are involved in the mineral trades.
Congo, earlier named as Zaire
(General economic information)
Congolese mining is the most important economical source of the Congolese country, good for 80% of their exports. Mining’s are concentrate in the south-east of the country in the provinces Kasaï, Katanga and Kivu, all near to Rwanda.
The most important mining’s are GÉCAMINES (Former Belgian Union Minière du Haute-Katanga) and mining’s of
Zaire SODIMIZA, bold belong the Congolese state. Their most important minerals are Copper and Cobalt which is present in copper-ore. Congo own 50% of the known Cobalt reserves and the greatest exploitation on earth.
Copper is found in the so named copper belt near the border between Katanga and Zambia, which is good for 1/6the of the world wide reserves. Other mining products are Zinc, Diamond and Tin. Zinc is present in copper-ore deposit. Other side products which are not so important are Silver, Cadmium and Germanium.
Congo is after Australia the largest producer of rough industrial diamonds. Side products of their Tin winnings are Wolfram, Niobium, Tantalum and Beryllium, Katanga gets also Manganese, Gold and low quality coal
Angolan mines and mining’s of Zambia are as well in the flight range of Rwanda.
Belgium turntable of Congolese minerals
(Free translation Gazet van Antwerpen 2007 July 27)
Belgium is world wide the largest importer of Tin-ore from the Mid-East-African war region. Winning parts of the business come into hands of warlords who use child soldiers and who are responsible for enormous breach of human rights. This is readable in the final reports of the VN-Experts which would be publishing shortly.
Belgian import date of Tin-ore from Congo is disturbing. The region of Goma exported 2904 ton wherefrom 2296 ton or almost 80% going to Antwerp (Belgium) Rwanda came on the second place of import from Congolese Tin-ore with 429 ton or almost 15% and Malaysia with 73.8 ton
In their rapports has VN-Experts given no mention of Belgian factories which are involved. Those VN-Experts note that feet lines of ore from Congo are complicate and used to financing of armed groups, The exploitation, business and transport of natural sources is the most profitable source for financing of armed groups.
The power of the Mwami
(Military leader of Tutsi’s)
The power of the Mwami was very important for the whole region and living populations. The mention of the Mwami as king is a misrepresentation and unjustified. The Mwami was in the first place the general of their troop and in the second place the civil coordinator of their people. There was no land to rule and no kingdom to own, they were nomads.
The power of the Mwami was real and force which wasn’t touchable during western colonial occupation which compel occupiers to count with this Mwami, and keep him as friend.
Occupation was based on agreement in state of supremacy, while the power of this Mwami could be a threat for western profits in the post colonial time and interest.
While Tutsi’s present only 15% of the population in the area could they keep there position thanks to a good relation with Hutu’s and Pygmies.
Populations of so named Nile Negroes which belong to the individual developing of mind just like many Indo-Europeans.
They move in the past possible from the Northern African borders of the Mediterranean Sea, the South-West Asia and the Arabian Peninsula, after destruction of North-Africa and Arabia. The track of the Tutsi’s goes back to the borders of the Nile and Nile delta. Tutsi customs and uses refer to the eldest tracks of civilization of Egypt, while they move from the Nile delta to the sources of Nile and large Mid-African lakes.
In spite of the fame as famous warriors are there no tracks of war or struggle in their neighborhood, or any mention worthy weaponry or defense structures found.
They spread themselves over an immense region because of needed grassland for cows and goats, while each nomadic family travel separate trough the region. This highlands give good grassland though soft and moist climate, while rainfall of the region is similar to the Belgium situation, with a rainfall of 800mm up to 1500mm depending to the region, but they get profit of an endless summertime with reasonable warm nights.
Their spread over such large terrain as separated families gives this people a large risk most coming from carnivore while their nightly hunters present the highest danger. Good relationship with the autochthonous Hutus and Pygmies give the nomads an extra protection from the moment that they came in the environment of autochthonous villages by the hospitality of this autochthonous people who are ready to give a helping hand.
The Hutu hosts are the cattle of the breeders by giving nightly place in the circle of huts of their sites in exchange of milk, meat, leather or even loan for milk products of a goat. Hutu’s and pygmies are willing to present beside the hospitality and care also handwork for their guests. Their guest belongs to the famous warrior people and gives on their turn protection through their army against Arabian slave hunters. The existing coalition of those ethnics present one of the most peacefully region on the East-African territories.
Aggression between these ethnic populations of the region was impossible and senseless.
The mass of Hutu clan states was to large and their terrain to immense to be threaten to some one, and Tutsi’s were to vulnerable through spread of their families, but also the fact that their youth from the age of 15 upon 30 stay in the camp of their Mwami for training make this nomadic families individual more vulnerable as well. Mutual care was the way to their peaceful world up to the colonial occupation, and the discovering of the Mid-African copper belt and mass of mineral riches in their neighborhood.
Cooperation between the populations and the sexual freedom of their youth came to large mixtures of this people. We may guess that only any generations after immigration of those Tutsi’s the whole population of the area was mixed up to a new mixed people while the son of the mixed relation take the profession and clan name of his father, and in spite of mixture continue the tradition and name of the clan, Hutu’s and Tutsi’s just as well. Special the flexibility of Negroes made them less vulnerable and helps them to adapt to an eventually individual world where they are born to, through result of such mixture.
The mass Hutu youth volunteers in the Tutsi army came through this mixture and also the recently marsh of the FPR in 1994 was support by mass Hutu volunteers. The boundary between Hutu and Tutsi isn’t clear anymore, while many generations of mixture have wiped the boundary almost away.
Every mixture gets two facets, one is the track of visual marks, and the second stand for the track of the mental base.
Just such mixtures make that the anthropologist discus for several times already that Khoi-khoi and San belong or not to the Negroid population, in spite of their mentality which is link up in many ways with the large part of Chinese mentality.
Also this black African like Tutsi and such so, are describe as Nile Negroes, but Negroes are common minded and they belong in spite of mixture, mostly to the individualistic evolved.
Many mixtures are through source of time so complete that former tracks of original sources become hazy.
If we make study about developments of so named Negroes shall we see that they stand for many basically tracks and sources of development, the whole world of black Africans is just like a rich varied bouquet of flowers.
Much so named Genocides get nothing to do with ethnic contrasts but build through religious or politic opposition.
1994 The Genocide of Rwanda
The western control over the Mid-African environment and mine areas through puppet states and their rulers was only for profit of western or more precisely Belgian families and European industries. The former alliance of Tutsi, Hutu and Pygmies was all the time of western occupation to strong and independent and after their colonizing surely not willing to present themselves as western vassals. Belgium made the decision, probable considering other western governments and their industry to force the so named free voted politic management according their interests, needs and profits.
The separation of the population in different ethnics give them the chance to set the Mwami by side and to manipulate a so named Hutu, “read Negro” president as there vassal.
In 1958, just before the independence of Rwanda, are all Identity carts canceled and change for carts with the mention of the ethnic roots, made determine on base of the Family name which refer to the original roots, but not adaptable in the situation after 500 years of ethnically mixtures.
In 1959 die Mwami Mutara III, after that he was set by side through western alliance countries of Belgium, Germany and France, but nonofficial sources make mention of murder.
Rulers of third world countries who don’t be willing to western needs are unacceptable for western rulers and will be named as dictators which have to give western governments reason to interfere for recovering and protection of democracy. Rulers who support the western targets can count on western welfare, personal inviolability and plenary supports.
Suppressing of the real majority of former alliance clash after short time up on growing resistances of the suppressed majority and grow to an active conflict. Some relations of the former rulers and Tutsi Nobility start to build a revolt by armed rebels under the name of FPR what stand for “Front Patriotique Rwandaise” to break the power and suppression of the people through the western vassals.
Under pressure of resistance and struggle of revolutionaries came president Habyarimana in 1994 knuckle down under the pressure of the revolt to the agreement to give free election and possibility to share the power and management of the government with leaders of FPR. From that moment the FPR troops march victorious by applause of the majority.
World wide public was witness by the news about the Belgian sending of secret military mission direct after the news about a coming agreement between Habyarimana and the FPR.
There was an urgent decision about the sending of UNO troops to control the situation in frame of coming election, but there was not any sign of coming or possible troubles, contrariwise the majority was happy with the new twist.
There were mentions about groupings of extremists but a video report show youth which was aggressive trained by western militaries.
The French legionnaires were there before any who else, but why, what are there targets. What are they doing?
In the new was mention about orders to use for protection of all flights to Rwanda through anti rocket systems, while this order should be given 3 day before the final attack on the plain of the Rwandese President Habyarimana.
Three days after the news about the rocket defense, on the 6the of April 1994 some one project a conduction of head commanded rocket and shot the plain of Habyarimana. Witness has seen that western militaries shot that airplane.
The used rocket was working by conduction of head, and normal useless in Africa, just like the use of air force or bombings, because the scanty building in towns as well.
Their poor air forces are only to give their army and country any profile and image.
Immediately after the crash of the presidential plane started Radio Mille Collines to rouse the people against so name Tutsi’s and their Hutu followers, which may proof the preparation of this radio, which was running through a Belgian with Italian roots.
Extremist of Negroid ethnic are started to slay the Tutsi’s and their followers, armed with jungle knifes, but this environment get no jungle and a jungle knife is useless for other targets.
Not only that, but the slaughters are provided with plans and lists of people they get to kill, which proof one more time this preparation of slaying
Surprising but the slaughters are starting their horrible action in spite of the presence of UNO troops which were armed with automatic rifles while this extremist gets no real arms. It was clear that they know that UNO soldiers don’t shall try to stop them, which proof also the fact that everything was bases on prepared agreement.
The Extremist started to slay their victims without mercy, but who is able to slay the man, woman or child which live or growing up in the own neighborhood. No they are brought to villages far away from their own neighborhood, so that they never stand for own friends of the pass. They are fore the shooting of the presidential plane moved to places far from there own home, and with that one more proof of preparation through the west or in cooperation with western forces and governments. Once id for sure, Belgium, France and the UNO were involved, if not it could not happen.
The fact that the FPR already march up to the main city, supported through the majority of the people has no influence to the action of the Extremist, which proof that Extremist has feel them unapproachable, but this could only if there was a promise for trustworthy protection. But who could guaranty there safeties? Only famous French legionnaires were able to give such security, and they were already there.
Indeed, legionnaires have given public support to extremist, but worldwide disapproval have make that they don’t may march against the FPR.
The Belgian prime minister of that moment, Jean Luc Dehaene (Catholic politician) was the first who name this conflict a Genocide, in spite the facts that Extremist choose Hutu’s and Tutsi’s as victims.
The very good prepared and armed Rwanda army, and use of manifold rocket laughter rocket may surprise everyone, but shows ones more the carefully preparation of the massacre, more professional than a central African army could realize.
African get in the pass and today no reason to fear their neighbors, and armies are only used in the surroundings of riches and mines, with give only many profits of western countries and heavy weapons get in their countries no sense, but the presence of them proof again the preparation of the massacre.
Attention of French legionnaires to march against the FPR proof implication and agreements about. It was clear that there were clear agreement for eventually interferences between the extremists, evolved western governments and the UNO.
In spite of World wide protest and disapproval have French legionnaires taken extremists in their protection, but also the fact that many extremist has escape by aid of Uno and presented troops may be proof ones more the dirty role of western countries while they stay abscond in western cities.
The Belgian female reporter EDT on the spot has collect to much information and look to be a threat for some Belgian circles or families. Don’t be surprise but the foreman of the CVP (O!O! against the CVP) has seduce this female reporter, and she disappear into oblivion away of the screen, out of her duty as reporter. The CVP foreman has offer for any time his job and finally his family live. Don’t worry he cam after the storm back to his holy and very Catholic politic haven, like every cheap has to come back to his stable.
The first compatriots, who came back from the area, and present the real witness of this massacre, get no chance and permission to give in public and fore the camera any comment about. An old nun has seen spite of precaution possibility to give comment on the question about this genocide, and she react with “Genocide? No this is only politic” but she was taken away of the reporter and could not given more comment.
This massacre has not be ended by 1 million of victims, but most are extremists because up to far after the year of 2000, they are still hunting for extremists while some one who can do such horrible massacre is able and can do it again, but it is also a clear track to a dangerous social degradation and the perpetrator can turn against to such action because he has proof to be able as well. Also the knowledge that mind and customs are connected to heredity makes that the survivors of such crime or their ascendants maybe able as well. There rules are simple but rough, efficient and has to protect their world and the future.
Ten Uno soldiers were according the official notes killed, but the first witness came from a priest who was first on the spot and explains that there were eleven bodies and not ten.
A Rwandan woman gives witness of massacre where she was involved in. A Catholic priest has give shelter in his church, lock after them the doors and escape. The refuges confined in the church could not escape while someone has started to drop grenades through the windows. She survives the massacre, covered and protect through the bodies of fellow-sufferer’s. Nobody has tried to prosecute this priest; the responsible of Radio Mille Collines and nobody search for responsibility of western rulers.
Extreme social behave run against common exclusion and condemnation of the own relatives.
The excluded member is left on his fate, which may be same as sentenced to death, because we get no chance if nobody presents aid, shelter, food or protection. Slayers of Rwanda know the rules and know that if they lose, they go be hunt up to the end. It may be wondering that people by this knowledge could be driven to participate with the massacre, while they have to know that their action could turn into a death sentence for themselves and their families. But who or what could drive them so far?
They have called this genocide but it was clearly no genocide at all, but a bloody Western politic game for power and riches of African mining’s.
Why are they looking for delinquents in Africa?
Bizarre but through, Belgian and French governments cooperate with the UNO to search for delinquents in Africa of course, but not in our own high society.
Can we come to the conclusion that delinquents are searching for the delinquents?
We may consider that we may loss the way to cheap matters and minerals by the growing but also justified resistance of the African world. This shall give almost no differences for the laborers in the west, because they get in normal circumstances almost real luxury if they work like horses by slave labor. To keep the civil peace in the west, rulers have to respect the western welfare and buying-power of laborers which has to be untouchable. Loose welfare and buying-power of the laborers means loose turnover and business for dealers and industry.
Decrease of welfare shall hit the riches of our world and give more welfare in the third world. If we can’t buy like fools we shall learn to buy for use and the throwaway society need to turnover to a society which use and repair, instead of throwing away.
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